10 benefits to teaching children how to grow their own food
In the current world of non-stop information overload and talks about food shortages, it has never been more vital to teach our youth the skills that allow them to be independent. Growing our own food has been a way of life dated as far back as history has allowed us to record. Agriculture allowed not only our survival but formed the foundation for large human civilizations. So, what happened? How has so much of the population lost that skill? One word: convenience. We became spoiled and sold our ancient skills for the luxury of convenience. So, what do we do to ensure we can mitigate the damage? We learn. We teach. We grow.
Here are 10 reasons why your child should learn to grow their own food:
Self-sufficiency. The saying goes: Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.
You can control what goes into your food, and more importantly what doesn’t. This is a great way to teach children about the benefits and drawbacks of homegrown VS. store-bought.
It gets them outside in the sun and dirt and allows for more playtime instead of screen time.
It teaches them lifelong skills that they can use and pass on to their children.
Gardening teaches children responsibility and pride in their work. Putting a seed in the ground and doing all of the hard work to receive the literal fruits of their labor, will have lasting impact on young minds.
Growing fruits and veggies will encourage them to eat…fruits and veggies. Exploring healthier foods from seed to table can get kids excited about foods they’d otherwise avoid.
Being in nature has a cascading effect on a child’s future stewardship of the natural world. Being eco-friendly is easy when you actively participate in nature.
It helps their immune systems. Exposure to the unique biome of your home garden, along with prebiotics and probiotics found in many fruits and vegetables, will help build your kiddo’s immune system.
Growing your own food allows bonding for the whole family! Humans bond through play and projects. Getting your hands in the dirt with family is one of the few activities that is safe and enjoyable at any age.
And lastly, it sparks their creative and imaginative side!
Check out our kid-friendly activity book! It comes with a kid-friendly grow kit with seeds, activities that help teach gardening for kids, scavenger hunts and so much more! It’s a fun way to teach your children a new gardening skill.