Three Ways Gardening Impacts Climate Change
Gardening benefits our planet's health, but many people do not realize how much their little backyard garden can help the environment. Let’s explore three ways gardening can help with climate change.
What is monoculture and how does it affect the environment?
Why is everyone talking about monoculture, and why is it so bad for the environment? Monocropping has developed unintended consequences that threaten greater global food insecurity and worsen climate change.
Eating Organic: What does it actually mean?
What is all the hype around organic foods? Is eating organic really worth it? After becoming more knowledgable about the organic food industry and the nutritional benefits of incorporating organic foods it into our daily diets, it was easy for our family to make the switch. Now we hope to educate other families about what eating organic actually means, so you can be more informed the next time you are at the grocery store.
The problem with today’s food distribution network and supply chain
It’s no secret that there is a serious problem with modern day distributions networks. What's the biggest way to combat the problems with supply issues? Why are we not meeting local demands for products, and more importantly for food?
Top three ways to prepare for a potential food shortage
Talks of food shortages are running rampant through the news and social media. What does this mean for the everyday human on a budget? Well, let's talk about the most effective ways to prepare for a likely food shortage.
Is there going to be a future food crisis?
Is there going to be a future food crisis? Population growth and increased food demand has shown increased rates of malnourishment throughout the world. Learning how to grow your own food is the first step to creating a healthier future for you and your family!
How did Fresh Earth Bistro get started?
When the global supply chain couldn't meet the demand, people were fighting over toilet paper and masks. Imagine starving people fighting over food.