Is there going to be a future food crisis?

Every year more people are born. By 2050, the world population is expected to increase by 3 billion people. That’s a lot of mouths to feed! People will always need to eat but how do we feed them? How do we make sure our families can eat and live healthily? It is almost scary until you remember that nature has given us so many wonderful foods that we can grow ourselves.

According to research published by the United Nations, in 2019 there were 690 million undernourished people throughout the world. You can read more statistics about population growth influences food systems in the UN’s Policy Brief #102: Population, food security, nutrition, and sustainable development. Despite the significant technological advancements the world has made throughout the last decade, it seems that the rate of undernourished people continues to rise. Many economic, social, and humanitarian factors contribute to high rates of malnourishment throughout the world.

One of the most frustrating causes of undernourishment is the inability of many people to engage in a healthy diet. It is no secret that healthy, organic, and non-GMO foods are expensive. It’s almost easier and more affordable to make unhealthy choices when shopping for groceries. The fact that many people are hungry because they cannot incorporate healthy foods into their diet is heart-breaking, especially since there are so many healthy foods we can grow ourselves. Population growth is on the rise, and therefore, so is the demand for food. We must change the way we grow, harvest, and distribute food to reduce undernourishment, preserve natural resources, and create a better and more healthy future!

“To ensure a healthy future for both people and planet, the growing population must be fed in a manner that is healthy, equitable and sustainable.”

UN/DESA Policy Brief #102

To live a sustainable and healthy life, we must work together, and it starts with growing your food! You may be wondering how you can help, struggling to see how you can spare time in your busy schedule to educate yourself and your family on how to live healthily. It starts with small steps, better habits, and little changes in your daily routine. We make eating healthy affordable and accessible, by teaching you the skills necessary to take control over the food you eat.

At Fresh Earth Bistro, we offer activity books, grow kits, plant starter kits, self-watering pots, etc in our online shop. Our goal is to teach you how to grow your food in easy, enjoyable, and kid-friendly ways. Every plant is different, but if you can grow one plant, you can grow another. There is nothing more rewarding than nurturing a tiny seed into a plant and then eating what that plant produces.

It’s time to build a better future, let’s grow something together!


Top three ways to prepare for a potential food shortage


How did Fresh Earth Bistro get started?